Dr. Wesley J. Hall
Mr. Wesley Hall has over twenty years of experience in corporate governance
and shareholder communications. He founded Kingsdale Shareholder Services
in 2003 to provide clients with best-in-class services for communicating with
shareholders and managing investor-relations communications.
Prior to forming Kingsdale, Wes was Vice President, National Sales, for Georgeson
Shareholder Communications Canada, and a senior manager for a major Canadian
transfer agent. Wes also held the position of Assistant Corporate Secretary at CanWest
Global Communications Corp.
Wes is a founding board member of the Canadian Society of Corporate Secretaries
(CSCS). He remains committed to his involvement in and support of CSCS, and other corporate governance and investor
relations organizations. He is currently a director of SickKids Foundation, and Wellgreen Platinum Ltd. He is the former
Chairman of the Board of Difference Capital Financial, former Director of Equity Financial Holdings Inc., Longford
Energy and the Exempt Market Dealers Association of Canada.
Assisted by an expert group of industry professionals, Wes leads the Kingsdale team and guides his clients through
takeover bids, proxy fights and routine shareholder meetings. He is an industry expert in proxy solicitation, depositary,
corporate governance and other shareholder related initiatives. Wes has been sought out to lead some of the highest
profile deals and proxy contests in North America. They include Tim Hortons’ $12.5 billion merger with Burger King,
Pershing Square Capital Management’s campaign to replace the board of Canadian Pacific Railway, Petro Canada’s $19
billion merger with Suncor Energy, Xstrata PLC’s $19 billion bid for Falconbridge, Companhia Vale do Rio Doce’s $19
billion bid for Inco, and Barrick Gold’s $9 billion acquisition of Placer Dome, among many others.
Other accomplishments include the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2009 award for Ontario. In 2011,
Wes successfully completed the directors education program offered by the Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD) in
partnership with the Rotman School of Management of the University of Toronto. He received the Institute-certified
designation, ICD.D.