Ms. Maud Fuller
Maud Fuller's contribution to UWI is immeasurable. She is a loyal and proud graduate of the Mona campus and although she migrated to Canada, she always visited the campus on her trips to Jamaica. In 1987, she was spurred to action when she realized that some students had very little money left over for food after their expenses. She joined forces with some alumni in Canada and formed the University of the West Indies Alumni Association (UWIAA) Toronto Chapter and started to raise funds. The Chapter celebrated 20 years in 2008 and she was at the helm for all 20 of them. During her tenure, the UWIAA Chapter has provided scholarships for students at all the UWI campuses.
In addition, following another visit where she noticed the inadequate facilities for commuting students, funds were raised to help with the expansion of the Commuting Students Lounge at Mona.
For over twenty years, Maud Fuller has been the driving force in the UWI Alumni Association Toronto Chapter. Maud has also excelled in her own field and had an outstanding professional career as a classroom teacher and lecturer. She is also an Instructor/Lecturer with the University of Toronto’s School of Continuing Education where she is dedicated to the cause of interpreting the Caribbean child to Canadian teachers.In order to show its appreciation, the University named a scholarship from the UWI Regional Endowment Fund in 2009 in her honour.
Maud feels that it was a privilege to serve her Alma Mater, however the UWI feels it was privileged to benefit from her dedication and service and is proud to honour her and recognize her in front of her fellow Canadian UWI alumni, friends and other supporters this evening.